
LG 在台灣發表Nano Cell 技術新電視

採用Nano Cell 技術的新品台灣共推出SJ800T 系列的65 吋(NT$129,000)和55 吋(NT$64,900)兩款,此外還有SJ957T 系列的86 吋量子點電視,售價NT$369,000。三者 ...


A nanocell is a drug delivery platform consisting of a polymer-bound chemotherapeutic drug combined with a lipid-bound anti-angiogenesis drug.

What is LG's Nano Cell Technology?

This technology is of interest to the display industry because it is being promoted as a novel way to increase color gamut and improve viewing angle.

What Are NanoCell TVs? How They Differ From OLED & QLED

LG's NanoCell TVs are a type of LCD TV with an additional filter that helps to improve picture quality.

一奈米4K AI 電視智慧顯示器

LG 一奈米4K AI 採用直徑一奈米晶體,色彩逼真、影像清晰,畫面更生動彷彿身歷其境。立即點擊網站了解更多!

What is NanoCell TV Technology

NanoCell TV technology has been engineered to take the existing picture quality of LED TVs and enhance it to near OLED levels – the ultimate in TV technology.

Nanocell Technology Platform

Nanocell Technology Platform · Nanomedicine technology platform · Nano-grafting Technology Platform · Nano-encapsulation technology platform.

all you need to know about lg's new nanocell & oled tv technology

The LG SUPER UHD TV with Nano Cell™ Technology uses nano particles that absorb unwanted light wavelengths and enhances the purity of the red and green colours ...

What is a NanoCell TV? LGs Latest Technology Explained

NanoCell TVs are LG LED TVs that make use of a special NanoCell layer. This layer is specially designed to block excess light and prevent colours from blending ...

今天讲一下LG的NanoCell电视!是什么技术让LG在电视 ...

... NanoCell #LG #Zinggadget #review #Zing # ... Tech Watcher•168K views · 11:25. Go to channel · LG NANO86 65 4K ...


採用NanoCell技術的新品台灣共推出SJ800T系列的65吋(NT$129,000)和55吋(NT$64,900)兩款,此外還有SJ957T系列的86吋量子點電視,售價NT$369,000。三者 ...,Ananocellisadrugdeliveryplatformconsistingofapolymer-boundchemotherapeuticdrugcombinedwithalipid-boundanti-angiogenesisdrug.,Thistechnologyisofinteresttothedisplayindustrybecauseitisbeingpromotedasanovelwaytoincreasecolorgamutandimproveviewingangle...